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Grappling Girls Girls

Started by squozen, 24-Jan-13, 06:09 AM

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I stopped buying GG clips a while ago.   Their membership site is for the birds.  Terrible.   They are trying to wring out every last dollar from us customers with basically only a c4s  product.   Heck,  they don't even have preview clips on C4S.   

Yes, some of the girls are smoking,  but the thing I hate about GG,  is that most times the guy is not putting out even 50%,  and then they tap at the slightest hold of inconvenience,  and the worst is that the girl immediately lets go.   



I still buy them, but I agree that the people running GG suck. The lack of previews is unconscionable. Especially with new girls, when you have no way of knowing what they're like, what their attitude is like etc. Their clips are on c4s, so its not like the little 10 sec previews are enough "material" to stop people buying full videos, like you might argue a regular supply of longer 1-1.5 minute clips can do. Add to that the frequently misleading descriptions of the videos. the bull shit "so-and-so actually cried, but of course we stopped the video" and "so-and-so cracked a rib and had to be hospitalized, but we had to stop the video"...
You had a motherfucker CRYING and STOPPED VIDEO?!?!? Either they're miserly and liars or incompetent and miserly


^this. Thats what I pay for, dammit. And they wonder why their business isnt booming. If they filmed that, they'd rake in so much more imo


yeah,  and that's why they will never see another dime of my money. 

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