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Q & A feat. Veve Lane

Started by Zeus, 11-Dec-12, 08:36 PM

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Quote from: islander on 15-Jan-15, 03:25 PM
So I was wondering if Veve has ever considered MMA? A few fights with Invicta, Dana sees how marketable she is, and who knows, maybe a UFC contract?

She had considered MMA, indeed (an interest that actually grew from her knack for catfighting).  And she got into a bit of MMA training during 2012.  However, the scheduling of the MMA classes was so at odds with her regular training/shooting schedule that she ended up facing some frustrating time conflicts.  Sadly, we don't have a very big MMA program here, so there aren't many options to choose from for training.

But anyway, I don't think that MMA is in the cards for VeVe.  She was pretty keen to do it, but she just doesn't have a lot of training options for it.  She has great access to grappling and Muay Thai, so those are always a green light.  But MMA is just not overly common at her gym.

But now that I mention this, maybe she'd like to set up another catfight again.  It's been a while ;)



Can you tell me, is it possible to use facesitting holds as part of a real competitive match or are these moves sheerly in the realm of fantasy scenarios? I can't really see how you would maintain such a hold in reality but I'd love to hear the opinion of a seasoned expert.




Hey, Smothered,

Yes, it's definitely possible to use facesits in a real competitive match...but it does kind of depend on what the rules and conditions are. 

For example, I did a competitive facesits only match once, where the winner was whoever could rack up the longest facesits/most facesitting time by the end of the match.  So right from the start in that scenario, you had a competitive situation where facesits totally worked because they were the *only* thing that scored points.

But as for facesits actually getting a submission or being used to smother KO someone, that's a lot harder -- not impossible, mind you, but harder.  It depends on things like the size and skill difference between the wrestlers, the bottom person's stubbornness and tolerance for facesitting, and how revved up or tired the wrestlers are.  Two evenly matched, fiercely competitive wrestlers would have a hard, if not impossible, time submitting or smothering each other by facesit. 

But a good wrestling friend of mine did tell me about a size-mismatch she did once where a much bigger and heavier lady sat on her face.  My friend tapped to that -- not because she was smothering, mind you, but because she just *hated* the position so much she wanted out faster than she could escape.  Now, as for actually smothering someone competitively with a facesit, I haven't heard of it happening, but I imagine it *could.*  I would think the bottom person would have to either be so outmatched in size and strength or so tired that whatever resistance they could muster just wouldn't matter.  I wouldn't try a competitive facesit at the start of a match when my opponent was fresh, but maybe at the end when I've worn him down...


Hi VeVe, i hope you and yours are all well? Before i attempt to fumble my way through my question, can i just say a very quick thankyou to both you, for taking the time to read what us lowly grunts/fans have to say about you, and to Diablo for popping in all the time and keeping us updated, AND for replying. Makes us worms feel worth something :)  And we are SO not worthy  ;D Ok...

Possibly a slightly strange question, and i will try to keep it simple. In a nutshell, what are your thoughts on a 'professionally staged' female wrestling/catfighting event, held in a larger venue, along the lines of a pro wrestling ppv? Maybe not quite the production values of a Wrestlemania, but perhaps something along the lines of a TNA type deal? I know there are so many permutations to a question like this, but im not trying to get into the nitty gritty as such, more just seeing if you thought that catfights etc could ever make it to a stage like that really? I do think the market would be there if someone was brave enough to try it...but i also think that Thor is real and that the wrestler i role play as is really me. Evidantly i know nothing  ;) When i think about it more and more, it really wouldnt be that dissimilar to most of the MMA type stuff out there on tv now is it? Decent crowds (maybe1-2k), big screen, etc etc.

I have re-read this three times now, and im not entirely happy with it but i cant really explain exactly what i want to know, without turning this into War and Peace. Hope its ok, thanks for reading, and i look forward to your reply :) ViVa La VeVe!!


Hey, @femwars,

Well, that's a fun question.  Honestly, I'm having a hard time picturing a mainstream-style catfighting event -- it's just totally different from any way that I've experienced catfighting, and I personally feel like the underground atmosphere is part of the catfighting appeal. 

That said, I have no idea!  Producing an event on that scale is a whole different thing than setting up a video shoot or small party/show.  If someone made that kind of investment and did that kind of promotion, who knows?  "They say if you build it, they will come" and "you never know until you try," but I just wonder if anyone *would* ever try such a thing.

What this actually makes me think of is a reality show.  Somehow, a reality show about building up a women's catfighting ring/circuit strikes me as something that could *definitely* happen.


Outstanding! Thankyou VeVe :) Im now framing this and referring to it as my personal VeVe Lane interaction haha, many thanks. I have a couple more questions, linking on to the first one and your answer gave me couple things to think about. A reality show indeed! That, in principle, sounds like a totally feasible idea :) I'll leave it at that and give others their turn to ask something. My thanks again, and for what its worth, K left  ;D

Take care VeVe.


Aww, you're welcome!  Glad to help, or at least provide some entertainment ;)


Quote from: VeVeLane on 16-Feb-15, 06:27 PM
Aww, you're welcome!  Glad to help, or at least provide some entertainment ;)

Im framing this reply too. Now im going to start saying things like..."the other day, me and VeVe were talking..." or "well, my dear close longtime personal friend VeVe was telling me that"...LOL.


Would u ever make videos of bondage wrestling but with more sexual stuff.(Like a combination of your bondage wrestling and the Ultimate Surrender for example)


Just wanted to say thank you Veve.  I got to session with you a couple years back in Dallas.  I'm not sure I could have beaten you if I wanted to.  By far the best session I've ever had, and I've had a chance to wrestle some greats in the business. 

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