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The Hunt

Started by dworth, 30-Aug-20, 01:31 AM

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New Story. Tried switching between the man and woman's perspective. I pictured Lana as looking like a taller version of Goddess Anat.

The Hunt

I could feel his eyes on me, walking out of the coffee shop. I got up to leave and felt him follow. Could be a coincidence. I turned a corner. He turned after me. Not a coincidence. He wants me. Good, 'cause I want him. He's on the shorter side, which I'm into. No doubt he's stronger than me, but not by a lot, and judging by that little gut of his, I've definitely got the stamina advantage. It won't be easy, but I wouldn't be so into it if it was. When I have that cute little body in between my legs, begging and crying and worshipping, I want to feel like I've earned it. He seems like the perfect challenge. That's why I just sat there and waited ever since he sat down across from me and started leering three hours ago. A lot of hunting involves just waiting.

Girls like a hunter. They'll pretend not to, but they want nothing more than to be stalked and chased and caught. I could tell this girl wanted it, the way she kept getting up from her table, bending over to get something in her purse, giving me a show of those long, taut legs, and that perfect bubble butt, gift wrapped in skin-tight, metallic blue leggings, big boobs hanging out of a matching crop top, long blonde hair. I'd guess she's six feet, which makes her a full six inches taller than me, so I'm going to have go full Alpha. I'm gonna have to make her feel like the small little girl she secretly is.

I picked a coffee place near my apartment, and after a mile, I'm there. He's been tailing me at twenty feet, and when I walk through my door, he stops, hesitating to come in. I look back at him, look him right in the eye and say "get the fuck away from me." And then I walk inside and close the door. If he follows me after that, he deserves everything I want to give him. The doorknob turns. Game on.

If she didn't want it, she would've locked the door, so when the door turns out to be unlocked, I know what that means. I waste no time. I stride towards her, aiming to back her into a wall, and WHAM

I judo throw that fucker onto his back hard enough that I can hear the wind get knocked out of him. While he's stunned, I pull his right shoe off. I go for the left, and he kicks me in the leg, and backs into a corner. "That's fine," I say "take a second to recover, while I explain your situation. You're mine now. You don't know it yet, but you are. I'm going to wrestle you, until you know that you're mine. And when you finally understand that, and admit it, and I believe that you believe it, I'm gonna fuck you like you've never been fucked and it's gonna be glorious. Now my guess is that you're gonna be a real slow learner. Most of the guys I play with are, especially the short ones. And I want you to know, that's completely fine. Because teaching you a lesson is just as fun for me as what happens after the lesson's been taught, so take all the time you need." I see the rage building up in his eyes. He charges me again. God this is gonna be fun.

This bitch is just begging to be throttled. I run to take those long, luscious legs out from under her, but somehow she wraps my head up in them, and suddenly I'm on my side, and they're pressing against my neck hard. She's probably squeezing with every ounce of strength she has, and fuck, it feels like getting my head wedged between boulders. My ears are covered by her thighs, otherwise I bet I'd hear her screaming with exertion, because this must be the hardest she's ever squeezed...

I'm squeezing at about half power, enough to keep ahold of him, but not enough to tire myself out this early on. My hope is that he'll struggle in vain for a while, and burn off that first wave of short-man rage.

This girl may know a move or two, but now I know that, and she's not gonna surprise me again. Once I get out of this, it's over for her, so I decide to put everything I've got into shaking her loose. I thrash around and flail

God, the flailing is adorable.

I start hitting and digging my nails into her thighs, and then Oomph!

The second I feel his nails digging into my thighs I put my elbow into his balls. I get up off of him, and he rolls over in agony. "No hitting, do you understand me? No hitting, kicking, scratching, or biting. Sorry, I should've said that earlier. Those are the ground rules. Are we clear?"

"That's fine," I say. "I'm ready for you know."

 He gets to his knees, and we circle each other, on the matts I've set up.

She's smiling, like something's funny. I'll give her something to laugh about.

He charges, and puts me on my back, but I get in guard, put a forearm against his throat and choke him from underneath. "My name's Lana, by the way. But you can call me Goddess. Or Mommy. Whichever you prefer." But he pulls out of the choke, and pins my arms behind my head.

"How about I call you cum-slut," I say staring down at her. Then she bucks me and I go flying off.

"No, no, no, I call YOU cum-slut. You call me Goddess, or Mommy. Which will it be?"

She's ridiculously strong for a girl, but I'm stronger. "And take your other shoe off, cum-slut," she says to me. "You look ridiculous with just one on." I take it off and throw it at her. She catches it, and puts it off to the side, with a smile.

"Now take off your pants too," I order him. He runs at me, and I go to put him in another scissor, but he's a fast learner.

I'm onto her leg locks now, and I throw them to the side and get her back. I lock my arms behind her head and hold her there. Time to establish control.

He's got my arms locked, and his hands pressing down on the back of my neck, and I'm trying to roll out of it, but this little fucker is strong. He gets his legs around my midsection next, and squeezes. "How do you like a squeeze, huh, cum-slut?" "I don't know. Tell me when you want to start squeezing" I answer back."

And that's when I decide she needs some discipline, so I roll her onto her stomach, keep her arms locked and press her face into the floor hard as I can, pulling on that thick blond hair as I do. Now we're cooking. Now we understand for all her talk, she's just a tall barbie who knows a few moves, but that doesn't mean I can't make her mine inside of three minutes. I start to get hard, and to really enjoy myself. I grind against that bubble butt in the metallic blue leggings. I relax a bit.

This is what I was counting on. I feel his arms relaxing as he considers whether to take off his pants or my top first. Then he goes for it. He lets one hand go to his fly, and that's all I need. I roll, which causes him to roll, and in the second that he's trying to recover, I launch him halfway across the room with my legs. But that's not what he was expecting, when he was eyeing them at the coffee shop. God, if he knew how many men have had their screams muffled by these thighs, and their lights put out by this bubble butt...well, he will know soon enough.

"So you DO want your pants off," she says, crawling over to me. "I can help with that." And before I can sit up, she locks me in another one of those god damn fucking cheap leg locks on my head, except this time, her ass is in my face, like she's taunting me for being so close, and holy shit, if I thought that last one hurt, this one's like the god damn jaws of life, pressing against me. I want to scream, but I will not give her the satisfaction, and I'm so focused on holding it in, I don't realize she's taken off my pants.

"Let's see what we're working with cum-slut," I say after I've got his pants off, reaching under his boxers and feeling the bulge.

I feel her hand on my dick, and I get determined to take back control.

The reverse head-scissor is my strongest hold, and he's simply not getting out, but I'm happy to let him tire himself out trying, so I keep fondling his junk. It starts to warm up for me. It gets bigger. It's honestly a pretty good size, and shape that curves just a little bit upward at the tip in a way that my pussy really appreciates. "This is such a nice toy you brought me!" I tell him. "God, I can't wait to really play with it later. You know what? I don't think I can wait. I think I'll just play with it now."

She licks her palms and starts rubbing it, and she's kissing it, and holy fuck, it feels amazing, and for a second, I forget where I am, and just let her go, and I'm starting to feel the beginnings of an orgasm when she stops suddenly and says "but no. Not until you know I own you. So which do you prefer to call me? Goddess or Mommy?"

Suddenly the fury in him peaks, and he almost breaks out of my scissors. I ratchet up the pressure, and he struggles more. He manages to get out from under me, but my legs are still around his neck, so he sort of drags me around, which is cute, and a bit of a ride, and I'm laughing and enjoying myself when WHAM

I send a knee into her pretty little head, and she falls limp on her side. I think it took her out, but this girl is dangerous, so I waste no time doubling down. I climb on top of her and rain down a few hits on her stomach. No sense bruising up that beautiful face. She's still half-conscious from the knee, so she doesn't even block the hits. "Mouthy bitch," I say, panting, and regaining blood flow in my head.
"mmmm" is all she can manage. I rip her cute little top right off, grab her big juicy breasts and squeeze hard. "These are mine, you get me?" I reach under her, grab her ass, and squeeze harder. "This is mine too." I rip her leggings off, and the thong underneath. I spread her legs open.

"And this is mine too," he says, leaning in to smell me, and that's when I drop the act, and squeeze like I've never squeezed before. "Didn't I say no fucking kicking?" He can't hear me with my thighs covering his ears but I don't care. I'm pissed now. That knee is gonna leave a welt, which means I'm gonna have to give him at least ten.
"You fucking disobeyed me, cum-slut. Now you have to be punished."
I squeeze hard as I can and let out a primal scream doing it. He scratches at my thighs again, but this time I just let him.
"Keep scratching, see where that gets you," I say, squeezing even harder. I hear him scream a muffled scream into my pussy.
"That's right. You fucking scream for me, you weak little, helpless fucktoy. SMELL ME, TASTE ME, AND SCREAM FOR ME, THAT'S ALL YOU'RE GOOD FOR YOU LITTLE FUCKING WHORE!"
He screams some more.
I resituate us, so I'm sitting on his face, and grinding against it. He's stopped scratching and now he just flails helplessly. I start to feel good and wet; a screaming man between my legs always gets me wet, but I'm not ready to come yet. I know it'll be so much better after I've conquered this little man, and shown him how small and weak he really is, so I scoot back off his face and onto his chest. He gasps for breath.

Where am I. What the fuck is happening? Somebody help me

I slap him hard in the face, with palm and backhand over and over. Four times, eight times, twelve. "You will LEARN your PLACE, you little WHORE."
"Please," he begs. "Please."
Nw we're getting somewhere.

"Oh I LOVE to hear you beg. Beg me some more," she says staring down at me, her fierce scowl softening back into a smile.
"Please let me go," I say.
"Goddess or Mommy. You will address me as Goddess or Mommy. Those are your choices."
And even though I'm hurt, and exhausted, I'm still a man and that's never gonna happen.
"Let me go, before you get in trouble" I say, defiantly.

I scoop his head up and pull it into my breasts, and hold him there tight. "Oh sweetie," I say "I'm never letting you go. I'm gonna hold you hear forever, and ever, and ever."
I feel him pulling away with all his might. He's tired now, but this is the last of his energy, and I know if I can just outlast him in this hold, he'll just be a toy from here on out. I squeeze his midsection with my legs, and his head with my arms. I put everything into it.
"You're mine. You're my hunting trophy. You should be proud to be my hunting trophy."
He says something, muffled by my boobs.
"What's that trophy," I ask giving him just enough room to speak.
"I'll call the cops when I get out," he says.
"Honey, you came into my house. This is on you."
He pulls hard, almost gets away from me, so I go with his momentum, and pin him on his back. I pin his arms behind his head, and grapevine his legs.If he was taller, I'd be looking him right in the eyes, but instead, he's so short, he's at eye level with my boobs, so I slap him around with them a bit too. God, I've never felt so dominant or so alive. "Goddess or Mommy," which one's it gonna be.

I don't have to mean it. I just have to say what I need to say to get out of here. "Goddess," I say quietly.
"What's that babe," she asks?
"Goddess" I say a little louder.
"Scream it" she orders, spreading my legs out with hers a little further, and half from pain, half from desperation I shout...

"Good boy!" I say letting go and clapping. "But see, now I know you prefer Goddess, which means I want you to call me Mommy."

I stare up at her. "Fuck. You."

"No, no, no," she says. "I fuck YOU."
I put the grapevine back on, and squeeze hard enough that I'm kind of afraid I'll rip him into quarters. He screams. I shove his head into my boobs again.
"Say mommy, come on. SAY IT! Say 'thank you Mommy! I love you Mommy."
He screams something in between my boobs, but whatever it is, I know it's not "Mommy" so I keep going. His mouth is open mid-scream, and I take the opportunity to slip a nipple into it.
"Go on, suckle mommy's boobs. Come on! Suck on them. Aw, you're nothing but a little baby, huh?"
He turns his head away defiantly.
I hold him there long enough to realize he's so prideful, he will let me tear all the tendons in his legs before he says Mommy. God damn. This may be the biggest challenge I've ever faced. What fun! I let go of the hold, and he curls up in the fetal position, moaning in pain.

This is the most helpless I've ever been in my life, and the thing is I WANT to suck on her boobs. I'm so scared and this beautiful, divine creature wants to comfort me, and hold me, and fuck me, and I want her to, but this poisonous toxic-masculinity in me won't let me admit that. And I just hope she can completely kill that part of me, without killing the rest of me in the process. 

How do I free this poor little man from his pride for good? What am I going to have to do? For starters, I pick him up and toss him on my bed. I get under the covers with him, and squeeze his small body between my legs. I look him in the eyes, and I can see the part of him that wants to say he's mine. "Don't worry," I whisper. "I don't care how long it takes. I will break you, and rebuild you how I want." He tries to pull away. Time to put him out for the night. I pull his head into my chest again until he passes out. I tie his arms and legs to the bed, so if he wakes up in the middle of the night he can't go anywhere. And I make him sleep in between my legs. That's his new home. He's gonna be a lot of work, but it'll be worth it. This is what the hunt is all about.
    The following users thanked this post: LisaRuhm


The next morning my head is throbbing from where he kneed me, and my stomach's bruised where he hit me, and if that's how I feel, I can only imagine the world of hurt he's in. A few times in the night, after he passed out, I heard him make the most adorably pathetic whimpering sounds against my chest. Nothing turns me on like a whimpering man.

Right now, he lies there still in deep sleep. I grab some water from the fridge, untie his hands and legs and sit there on the bed, waiting for him to wake up. His eyelids flutter to life, and for a moment he seems at peace, as if he's forgotten where he is. Then he sees me and bolts into a sitting position with his hands raised.

The second I sit up, I feel stabbing pains all over from last nights damage. "Morning sunshine," this gorgeous, naked sadistic psycho bitch says. "I bet you're thirsty." I try to lunge at her, but I can't even cover the distance of the bed without losing my balance.

The poor little guy collapses on the way to trying to charge me. I roll him over and sit on his chest. He tries to push me off, but his arms are jelly.

"Hey, listen to me," I say. 'You want a rematch, after the beating and humiliation I gave you last night. I get that. But you're exhausted and sore, and you're face is bruised up, and if I beat you last night when you were fine, imagine what I could do to you when you're like this. If you want to fight me, do it in a few days after you've healed up a bit. But for now, the smart thing to do is recover, wait til you're ready, then take me out. Maybe you'll get you're revenge, but for now, you're mine. Okay?"

I grab her arm, in a stupid, desperate move, and she rolls her eyes and grabs my balls, which are already sore. I scream, a high pitched girly scream, and before I can muffle it, she laughs.

"You're not going anywhere," she says, still squeezing my balls. "Say it."

"I'm not going anywhere," I obey.

She lets go. "Now you're getting it. So, you want some water."

I really do. I haven't been this thirsty in my whole life. I reach for the water battle in her hand, but she pulls it back.

"Nuh-uh," she says, sitting back. "If baby wants his bottle, he has to sit on Mommy's lap."

"Hell no," I say.

"Come on," she says with a teasing smile "be a good boy, and sit on mommy's lap," she says, tapping her thighs.

I don't move.

Her smile narrows into a menacing look and she says "do I have to make you?"

I think for a second, and realize she's right. To stand any chance against her, I need to get some strength back, and for now that means doing what she says, so even though it's humiliating, I crawl up into her lap, distracting myself from the embarrassment by thinking of all the things I'm gonna do to her when I get even.

"Oh such a good little bitch," I say to him.

He situates himself with his cute little but wedged in the crease between my legs. He's totally vulnerable in this position, with his neck and balls equally in reach. He goes for the bottle again, and I pull it away again. I say "no, arms down at your side."

He puts his arms down. I put the spout of the bottle against my right nipple. "Go ahead. Go on."

He looks at me and says "please don't make me do this."

I hold the back of his head with one hand and look down into his eyes and says "if you don't want to do it, then stop me."

I see tears of frustration welling up in his eyes because he knows damn well, he can't. "Aw, it's okay to cry. Go on, have a good cry in mommy's lap and then drink your bottle."

He puts his lips around my nipple and the bottle spout and starts drinking as fast as he can, trying to minimize the time spent in this position. "Slow down," I order. He obeys. He drains the bottle slowly in two minutes, while I play with his hair.

"All gone? Good boy," I say, when he's done. "I bet you can't wait to get strong and fight me again, isn't that right?"

He nods, with quiet fury in his eyes. "Me neither. So let's make sure you get everything you need."

She feeds me a protein filled breakfast. She makes me eat it bite by bite, while she holds the spoon. Then she gets a sponge and says "time for your bath." Again, I try to draw the line, because no fucking way is she bathing me. I try to push her away, but she grabs both my arms, pulls me face first over her lap, and starts spanking me hard. "Tell momma you're sorry."

No fucking way. She keeps spanking. I know by now she'll keep spanking until she draws blood unless I comply, so again, I remind myself of what I'm gonna do to her once I get my strength back, swallow my pride and say "sorry, momma."

"Good boy," she says, before scrubbing the sponge against my backside.

Running my hands all over this male body that's all mine is getting me wet, so after I'm done, I roll him over on his back and say "Okay, hon, now it's your turn to clean me," and I love myself down onto his face. For a second he does nothing.

"Or we could just sit here until you ru out of oxygen," I say.

He starts licking. "That's a good boy," I say.

After he's finished me off, I say "I have an idea. If you really want to beat mommy you should study how she fights.

She sits me down in front of her and gently wraps her legs around my torso, and her arms around my chest, not squeezing, more just asserting her control. And she grabs a remote control from the nightstand and turns on the TV and on the screen, I see her beating the shit out of some guy, and then I get a better look and realize the guy is me.

"I have cameras all over the place," she explains "so I can study my technique from every angle. See, here's me making you my bitch from one angle," she hits a button "and here's me making you my bitch from another angle," she flips a button, "and here's another. Let's watch the whole thing. In fact, you know what? Let's watch all of mommy's fights."

And for hours we sit there, watching fight after fight. A whole reel of different fights with men she lured back to this place and destroyed, some bigger and stronger looking than me, and every single one of them ended up crying like a little bitch underneath her. That's not gonna be me. I watch her moves, and mentally game out how to counter them. But it gets harder and harder to picture how I'm ever going to get the upper hand against this unstoppable woman.

It's working. I can see the resolve in his eyes wavering. He's starting to understand that I didn't beat him because of luck, or because of the element of surprise. I'm just more powerful. I'm just better. This is the first time he's ever had to truly face the idea that a woman could be more powerful. This is a breakthrough -- making him realize not only that more powerful women exist, but that he likes it. And I know he does, because the more fights he watches, the more the harder his dick gets until it's sticking straight up. He tries to close his legs  on it, but I pry them open with mine.

"No you don't. I wanna see it. Oh wow, you like watching me fight, don't you. You like watching me dominate. Huh? Say it."

"I like it," he says.

"You want to touch yourself right now, don't you?"


"So do it."

He starts stroking. I know he's had blue balls since last night, and he's probably a minute away from exploding. I say "let's play a game, honey. Let's see if you can come before I make you pass out." I start squeezing his neck. "Come on, you better finish fast."

He starts stroking faster. Of course I'm not gonna make him pass out until after he comes. That would defeat the purpose. The point is to rewire his brain so he associates me controlling him with the greatest pleasure he can feel. After a minute he explodes in my arms and melts against me, panting in exhaustion.

"You win," I say.

I grab a towel and clean him up. He's exhausted again. He passes out, still coiled in my arms and legs. Day Two of the Hunt is a success. A few more days of this and he'll be perfect. 
    The following users thanked this post: LisaRuhm


Seven days in my poor little new pet is so confused it's adorable. In the past week I've given him more intense pain, pleasure, humiliation and affection than he's ever had. Last night, I could really feel him softening. We'd done the same routine, with me feeding him, bathing him, generally making him feel helpless and dependent on me. I'd made him watch more videos of me fighting, and wrapped myself around him, while he watched. I wasn't letting him wear his clothes, and I wasn't wearing anything but leggings and a sports bra. Still more clothes than him, to reenforce my higher status, but enough bare skin for us to have plenty of skin-to-skin contact, giving us both a rush of oxytocin, getting us acquainted with each other's scents. He wasn't so tense in my arms anymore.  He still covered his crotch protectively, but he was starting to really lean into me.

When she holds me between her legs like this I get to see how mine look side by side with hers. Hers are longer, thicker. Sometimes being wrapped up in them makes me feel safe. Sometimes it makes me feel scared. Last night, she took off the leggings and made me rub her legs down with lotion, just to feel how strong they are. Then she asked me to kiss them, and when I wouldn't, she said I had to be punished for my disobedience, and she squeezed me hard with them, but not too hard. "Don't worry, mommy knows exactly how much to give you to help you learn."

I gave him ten minutes of something between a python's grip and a tight cuddle. He could handle it without much trouble at first, but after a few minutes, it was starting to get to him, and he was losing control of his body. He leaned back, pillowed by my boobs, and I put my arms around his neck, and started nibbling on his ear a bit, whispering to him "mommy's doing this because she cares about you, I hope you know that. Here, be a good boy and suck on mommy's fingers and I'll let you out early. Go on." But he wouldn't. He just lay there writhing and took the whole punishment. "My little fighter," I sighed. "We'll get you there."

We kept watching video of her beating guys senseless and then fucking them. "Would you like mommy to do that to you," she kept saying. I was starting to get aroused by different parts of her. Not just tits and ass but her back, her shoulders, her lats. Some of the moves she did on these guys and the way they made mer muscles pop got me hard.

He got hard a lot, and so many times I just wanted to climb on board and ride him til he broke, but I knew I couldn't do that until the hunt was a success. So I let him get blue balls, and build up his lust for me. In fact, just to edge him even more, I get up out of bed and start working out in front of him every day, letting him really get a good look at me up close from all angles, while he's stuck there tied to the bed watching. Then, before I shower, when I'm still stinky and drenched in sweat, I pounce on him.

"Sweat bath" she screams gleefully, wrapping me up, and rolling us around until I'm covered in her sweat.

I always pull his head into my tits when I do this. "Come on sweetie, I know you want 'em. Suck on 'em. You can have 'em all day. Just say mommy." I can feel how bad he wants it, but still nothing. Until that night.

The version of me in my dreams is someone who I envy and disdain in turns. In my dreams, I've already surrendered, and she is already Mommy, and I do everything she says, and I love it.

And then one night, I fall asleep with him wrapped up in me, as usual, and I wake up to feel his mouth around a nipple, and I think "finally, he's submitting," but I realize he's asleep. I hope he'll wake up and just keep going, his dream self having made the choice for him.

Then suddenly I realize where I am and pull away, and start trying to hit her, wondering why the fuck I'm resisting, but I am.

"No! You do not hit mommy," I say, turning him over, and spanking him hard. I'm hoping he'll like this, and he stays hard, so I guess he does. Again I want to fuck him, but I stick to the hunt. He tells me people are gonna come looking for him, but I tell him we both know that's not true. I tell him I unlocked his phone while I had his face in a hold, and looked through it and saw that he's unemployed, and that he talks to no one, and spends all his time on sexist forums or watching porn where guys dominate women. I tell him he's got the right concept, but it's backwards. Women are supposed to dominate men in all things, and soon he'll accept that. Then, I  send him back to sleep with blue balls. The morning after, I wake him. I feed him and bathe him. Then I decide to show him the video where I go beastly.

"Mommy gets pretty mad in this next one." We watched video of this guy who's twice her size rolling around with her. In addition to wrapping him in all this grappling holds, she's striking him frequently. She didn't hit me until I'd already hit her a few times, and I realize she'd been taking it easy on me in our fight.

I see the realization hit him. And I see him wondering...

Why did she take it easy on me?

"I didn't bring you back here to be a physical challenge. I could take your body easily," I said, tightening my squeeze on him, just to accent the point, "but I want your brain too. This guy was a physical challenge for me. You're a mental one. Now pay attention to this next part."

Suddenly the guy in the video got a big second wind from out of nowhere. Lana was on top of him, and seemed to have the whole thing in hand, but he landed a lucky shot. Sometimes that's all it takes, even for a warrior, and she fell limply off him. Then he was on her, raining down blows.

I remember that melee like a hazy dream, but the next part I forget. I always forget when my beast comes out.

I hate watching this guy hit her, and I hate that I hate it, because fuck her, because I want to do the same thing, this should be satisfying, but that guy is hitting my...I don't know what she is, but I hate watching this, and I want to look away.

"No, no, no," I say, "as he tries to turn his head. Keep watching. We're almost at the good part." I can see a tear welling up in one of his eyes. Aww, he does care. Poor guy's so confused right now. That'll happen when you're getting completely rewired in three days.

She makes me keep watching, and I don't think I can stand it, but suddenly when she looks almost lifeless underneath this monster, her hand shoots up, and open palm strikes him on the chin, and he's stunned. She maneuvers underneath him, and using her legs to shove him off in one swift motion. Now she's up, but she's different, full of feral rage, and a sadistic smile.

"Sometimes, mommy loses control," she told me. "I get really angry, and then I get mean."

In the video she pounced on the guy and starting showering him with punches. When he covered his face, she grabbed his crotch and I heard him scream, and sit up. She laughed a loud, primal cackle, pulling his head into her chest and...what was she doing?

"I don't remember this part, but apparently I bit his neck. Poor baby. Mommy really went too far with him."

The guy was in the fetal position now, not even fighting back just covering up, but Lana just kept going. She hit him more, until he was limp, then she rode his face, for a long time, and let out a fierce warlike cry. I couldn't tell if it was a declaration of victory, an orgasm or both.

He did end up being a good lay in the end, I guess.

I watched it all and said "I know I can't beat you."

"Then just give in. Say 'mommy.' And then we can just have fun. Lie here together, love on each other, both of us knowing our place." I slid my hand under his, put it on his crotch, which stiffened for me. "Just be a good boy. Just say 'mommy.'"

I wanted to say it. I really did. But I couldn't.

"Do we really need to have that rematch," I asked him. But I knew we did. Men are physical beings. They need every lesson beaten and fucked into them. So I untied his ropes and said "okay, let's do it then, it's time."

Then she unties me from the bed. Two days ago, I would've charged her the second the rope was off, or maybe bolted for the door, but now things are different. I'm scared of her, and in love with her, and I'm not going anywhere. I need her to break me.

He stands there, calm and alert, ready for anything. He needs me. But it won't be easy.

We circle each other again. I don't want to strike.

"Come on," I say, "you clearly still have some toxic male bullshit in you, let it out. Hit me." He doesn't. After all this time spent cuddling up to me, he's gonna need me to start it.

"Fine," she says. She runs and tackles me hard into the carpeted floor, then grabs my balls...

Not that hard, just enough to piss him off...

And that flips a switch and once again she's a bitch who needs to be taken down. I swing hard for her face.

I block him. "There he is, my little fighter, so cuuuuuute," I coo. "Cooooome on, you can do it."

This bitch. I grab her hair- OW

I knew he'd go for the hair next. That's a no. Big firm nut squeeze from me, then I climb off him.

"Here," she says "I'll spot you a reset. See if you can capitalize." I lunge like a bull.

I turn his momentum on him, and the poor guy runs himself through my drywall. Jesus christ. He doesn't fully run out the other side but ends up stuck, lodged in my wall.

I can feel cuts in my skin, and I can taste dry wall dust in my mouth, and I can hear her laughing.

"What do you call that move? The kool aid man? Aww baby, I'm sorry for laughing, here, let's get you out of there, and cleaned up." I help him out, turn him around and then...

I spit the dry wall dust into her face. To my surprise, it works.

Motherfucker really spit dust in my eyes while I was helping him, what kind of cheap shot-

And then I give her an open strike to the chin, like the one she gave that guy in the video, and she is down, and I mount her, and get my hands on her throat. At first her eyes are still closed, blinking out plaster. Then they open and I see the look she had from the video.

I don't remember this part.

And I know I've unleashed the beast and I'm fucked now. She lands a punch, and one of her knuckles hits directly in the eye, and I'm off her. temporarily blinded, and she is on me, hitting hard with a closed first, growling. She stands me up, lifts me over her shoulder, tosses me back into the drywall. "Get up," she says and pulls me back up. I can barely even move at this point and she knows it. She picks me up again tosses me on the bed, mounts me, winds her legs around mine in a grapevine , stares into my eyes with a sadistic smile as I scream in pain. I realize I'm fucked now. She's lost control and she's not gonna stop until I'm too broken to play with, and no one can help me, and Im as scared as I've ever been and suddenly I hear myself call out "MOMMY!" And I realize I'm calling for her.

That's when I start to remember again. I look down and he's crying, and bleeding, and saying "mommy, mommy, mommy," and I realize I'm practically pulling him apart with my legs, so I loosen. I want to get off and take care of him. But I need to make sure he still means it. "What was that," I say.

"Mommy, I give, I'm yours please help me."

I get off him. Pull him up onto my lap. "Who do you belong to," I whisper in his ear.


"And who am I?"


"Good boy." I shove one of my boobs up to his lip. "Take it," I say. He does. "Good boy."

And suddenly she's stroking me, saying "suck like you mean it, there you go, such a good boy," and I suck harder on her, and I feel myself coming, and then I fall asleep in exhaustion, and when I wake up, I am still in her arms, and she says "now, I hope you're ready to please me," and I know I will obey her and do anything for her until my last breathe, because she's set me free.

I mount him, and ride him hard. He's hurting but he doesn't hold back even a little, just holds onto my back, and stares up into my eyes like I was the only thing that mattered. Another successful hunt.

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