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Strange Posting Problem

Started by ChicagoAlan, 13-Dec-22, 12:36 PM

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So when I tried to post a new video yesterday using Chrome, The forum sent me this message:

"The message has the following error or errors that must be corrected before continuing:
Your session timed out while posting. Please try to re-submit your message."

No matter what I did, the message popped up and I was unable to post.

I switched to my trusty "Microsoft Edge" backup browser, and I was able to post just fine. 



Interesting.  I've been using FireFox for ages, no problems.


Does it happen daily or was it a one-off thing?

It happened to me couple times over the years.. mostly when connection to the server was shaky, or when posting time was too long and my comp went to sleep, for example

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