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Could Emma Watson choke you out?

Started by Ronald_Frump, 26-Jan-14, 08:42 PM

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Could Emma Watson choke me out?

Yes - she has the musculature to send me to la la land
No - she's just a girl whilst I am full of testosterone


Imho, she is definitely a hot young woman, that could probably choke or smother me out.
I would be in heaven with her as Stewie suggests facesitting & headscissoring me( all with probably a major hard on  :B0A: that I could only hope she would help me with  :D)
Now having a wrestling match with her as she facesitted & headscissored me would be my preference, I certainly wouldn't be opposed to be strapped to a bench & letting her have her way with me one way or another  ;D.
She's the type I prefer when looking at mixed action, someone that a first glance doesn't appear like she would be competition but has a surprising skill set & strength to take care of me how she pleases.
So, :TY: :k1: :k2: given to Stewie for this topic, the images in his post & the images now burned into my brain of her doing this to me.


Well if I was tied to a bench, or restrained in some way, I wouldn't be able to stop her, would I?. Could she overpower me, even if I was trying my hardest?, I guess that would depend on how strong she is. She doesn't look exceptionally strong, but I have been pinned down a few times by girls who were stronger then they looked.


Yea, I don't really think she could. I have a pretty thick neck so I think that it'd be difficult.


I'd love for Emma Watson to scissor me out lol


Anyone can pretty much choke another person out if the hold is applied properly. I had tiny ass girls choke me out even though I'm a strong ass male. The problem is you have to get a person in that situation in order for that to happen. The reality is Emma would never get me in a position in order to choke me out. Even if she jump me from behind, she would not be able to lock in quickly enough before I counter. So she would not be able to choke me out unless I allow her which of course I would. :)


Emma could and could not... or she wouldn't.

Lets explore what we are up against:

First she is active however she is not as athletic as the ladies you are exposed to in mixed wrestling. But as you can see in figure 1 she is not weak. Emma is a very strong woman mentally as well and holds herself to unique standards: "My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder.". She is very intelligent and for the "she's just a girl whilst I am full of testosterone" I believe this will be their downfall.

Figure 1

Scenario: Emma Watson has you entirely plastic wrapped up to your shoulders you are immobile on a large steel table in a dank abandoned factory. A chilly draft wanders though aimlessly churning its way up to the high ceiling. Weathered  windows seized open from years of rust provide a dark yellow hue to the factory. The smell of wet mold and steel cling to the thick air. The occasional drip of water in the distance is the only sound that can be heard. You have not fully regained you bearings but sense a weight on your chest. This weight moves to your neck as you come through to realize Emma is sitting on it in a classic school girl pin. Her thighs clad in dark blue jeans slowly slide down the sides of your face as she finishes getting into position. She does not acknowledge your presence and casually turns the page in the classical book she is reading.

It looks like Emma must have seen your vote that: "she's just a girl whilst I am full of testosterone" and sent her henchmen out to apprehend you.

You feel her denim thighs inching slowly down your face. You tilt your head back as far as you can like a person scratching for their last breath before finally sinking in quicksand. Suddenly she flips you on your stomach. Now her legs are able to lock and crush your face deeper into her crotch. The same fear Leia, Han, and Luke experienced in the Deathstar trash compactor comes over you. Emma is no longer reading but studying your face as it slowly contorts itself under the pressure of her tight dark blue jean clad thighs. The jeans don't provide an airtight seal but it is still difficult to breath.
You try to move in a better position to resist, as you move she grabs two handfuls of hair from your head and pulls your face even deeper into her crotch as her face intensifies. You feel like your scull is going to collapse. Your muffled moans now fill the rundown factory. She releases your face but her thighs remain locked securely around your neck, the seams of her jeans remain imprinted red and swollen on your face. She returns to reading. The occasional sound of water drops fills the lonely factory again. Its going to be a long night.

Story continued here.

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