how important do you think the man is to a good mixed wrestling video?

Started by llordzzx, 03-May-15, 11:29 AM

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how important do you think the man is to a good mixed wrestling video?
and do you think producers often underestimate this?

was curious what people thought about this, as i personally do have some favourite girls to watch, but i also have a few guys i like to see have there ass kicked. i was curious if other people are the same or they think only the girls looks/skills matter?
as it is very easy on most mixed wrestling sites to find an our girls list, and find every video they are in. but not the reverse.

for me personally my favourite girl could be in a video, but if there's an annoying guy in the video making horrible moaning sounds for no reason before she's even started squeezing it can put me off the video. also if the guy is like a body builder, and the girl is 100ibs it just becomes so ridiculous that there is no way that woman could possibly hurt him.

so how important do you think the guy is in making a good mixed wrestling video?


He's very important, for the reasons you point out. Yet there are some folks who (I can only imagine) actually want those kinds of videos (the yelling, the size mismatches, etc.) The guy can certainly ruin an otherwise good video as I've found to my sorrow  :'(
I figure some times it's the producers/camera man who tell these guys to act a certain way, like telling them to talk non-stop or act wierd. Beats me why, but it's their show and I can always pick up a camera and make my own videos.

Sometimes the producers hire professional fetish model dudes like Kid Dynamite or Sam Solo. I like the videos with Sam but most of the KD videos I can do without.


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Quote from: Stewie_Griffin on 03-May-15, 07:29 PM
Precisely why I prefer F/F..... ;)

Yup, I think it is very important that the man is not there. 8)


I can't even watch a video when that guy from "Brutal Beauties" is in it, no matter how hot the girl is.


I don't have a problem with most F/M movies; I'm okay even with SV's or SF's moaning and screaming. However, what I could do without are movies with those body builder dudes, or even worse, movies where the dude is completely naked.

I also don't like when the camera zooms on the guy's face, as he is being squeezed. I'd much rather enjoy the scene with the focus on the girl (her legs, butt, face...whatever).

Having said that, F/F definitely rules in my book.


From a females point of view, having guys appearing in combat movies is a real turn off for me and no, its not a lesbian thing trust me. Plus and this is only what I think ok, and that's how the hell do Scissor Vixens get away with selling squeeze movies over the years with the same old male farts like Drew and Kador in them. Personally, watching a Scissor Vixen movie is like watch the adverts that appear between telly programs, in that if you have seen it once then you have seen it period, I don't want to see it again. I have always scratched the inside of my head when it comes to people online smut buying habits, especially when it comes to Scissor Vixens and Scissor Foxes. Paying punters seem to act much like lemmings, as they all stand in line for yet another hotel hosted squeeze movie release, with yet the same set of male pensioners being squeezed up between yet more teenage girl thighs my god, when will it ever end. I can understand that there is a following in regards to fake mixed combat but seriously people, when you have seen one you have seen them all. Now I have had my fair share of wrestling with guys over the years and to be honest, they simply fail to fight back which makes the whole thing pointless. Then there is the Sleeper Kids World and Fem Wrestling Room cross eyed knockout pose rubbish which again, makes me wanna throw my laptop out the window. The two questions I tend to ask myself before I go totally off my trolley is ( 1 ) how the hell do people get their rocks off watching such fake baloney and ( 2 ) have they got nothing better else to spend their hard earned dollars on.

Anyway, there is my rant for today - gonna make a coffee and have a smoke :o


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Very important - a man with a wrong attitude can destroy the whole movie. As I'm for competitive wrestling  the ideal guy is someone close to the size of the female who generally stays  quiet and if he speaks, he does so in a manner that does not drag the attention away from the girl. The worst thing in a movie is a man beign the protagonist and he can do it even without saying a word (e.g Steve). It's his whole style.

I also dislike jobbers. Seing the same guy over and over again is not interesting.
Another thing that I hate is fully bald men - no offence to anyone. Actually not having a single hair on your head isn't really that bad on its own, but the thing is that in mixed wrestling videos (same as in porn) bald men come with a complete lack of hair altogether which makes them look like a cock. Absolutely repulsive.

Have some hair, don't talk and don't claim all the attention for yourself, be somewhere between 1.65 and 1.90 meters and 65 to 85 kilos and after 3-4  videos, be gone. That's the perfect man.
Dead link ? Message me.


Quote from: Njordin on 04-May-15, 03:11 PM
Actually not having a single hair on your head isn't really that bad on its own, but the thing is that in mixed wrestling videos (same as in porn) bald men come with a complete lack of hair altogether which makes them look like a cock. Absolutely repulsive.

Have some hair, don't talk and don't claim all the attention for yourself, be somewhere between 1.65 and 1.90 meters and 65 to 85 kilos and after 3-4  videos, be gone. That's the perfect man.

...LOL! K left. Hit the nail on the head there, haha.


Quote from: Njordin on 04-May-15, 03:11 PM
Very important - a man with a wrong attitude can destroy the whole movie. As I'm for competitive wrestling  the ideal guy is someone close to the size of the female who generally stays  quiet and if he speaks, he does so in a manner that does not drag the attention away from the girl. The worst thing in a movie is a man beign the protagonist and he can do it even without saying a word (e.g Steve). It's his whole style.

I also dislike jobbers. Seing the same guy over and over again is not interesting.
Another thing that I hate is fully bald men - no offence to anyone. Actually not having a single hair on your head isn't really that bad on its own, but the thing is that in mixed wrestling videos (same as in porn) bald men come with a complete lack of hair altogether which makes them look like a cock. Absolutely repulsive.

Have some hair, don't talk and don't claim all the attention for yourself, be somewhere between 1.65 and 1.90 meters and 65 to 85 kilos and after 3-4  videos, be gone. That's the perfect man.

So much truth in that post!


Man is very important to me too. I look for guys with good shape. E.g Zsolt in european fight club. Also I like to see a real man get beaten instead of a wimp. I'm not talking about big strong bodybuilder type guys. Just guys like in DWW is good. And attitude is important too. I don't like guys just lay there letting the girl do everything and continuously screaming, shouting and moaning. It's natural for any tough guy to moan when he is struggling. I have and will do the same too. But it should be natural. I also like a guy who respects his female opponent as a fellow athlete.


He's absolutely vital. The man has to not be completely fat and repulsive and at least under 40 for me to tolerate a wrestling vid. This is why GG usually has the best vids, they choose a lot of decent looking 20 something guys.


Yeah...  I'm definitely more into the ones where the dude and chick are roughly the same age, height, weight, etc.  It allows for I don't know...  I come up with weird back-stories when I see these videos like in a competitive wrestling match and I'm like, "Okay so this could be a situation where the guy and the girl had legitimate beef and he had no idea she'd be a badass".

When you have the young 20 year old destroying some old fat bald dude you're sitting here just like...  In one what bullshit reality would this ever actually happen?  Aside from paying for it there is like NO hot girl that'll be like, "Oh sup an old dude I really want you to sweat anywhere near my body!"  But I think it just comes down to preference.  I was talking with one of my co-workers about it cause it's something that's on my mind a lot and he just tied it to what people can relate to when it comes to this stuff.

I guess being an attractive mid-20s age guy I want to see people who I can put myself into the position of which makes sense.  Being an attractive mid-20's age guy and having a fetish that seems to be dominated by old fat dudes though limits my options severely.  I mean I'm not calling anyone out here but shit have you seen the turnout at most of the live events it's usually Billy Bob and his 360 pound cousin with a fupa chilling in the front row. I'm not going on blast saying I'm attractive, trust me I have a fat girl complex for days.  It was our conversation though that brought a lot of it to light like... huh... Girls do stare at me a lot...  If I wasn't awkward as shit I could probably talk to them and... nah...  I have porn!


For me, first and foremost, the guy has to have the sh*t beaten out of him.  Guys winning?  F*ck that shit.  But, I'm agreement with a lot of you guys, in that there has to be at least some plausibility to it.  I've said it before and I'll say it again: jaguar/joan wise had it absolutely spot on.  The guys had a bit of spunk and bravado but in general they were a little smaller, lighter and weaker than the women - but only a little.  And they all took a whupping.

What I don't like is guys that think they're "it", and just spoil the match.  Micksta springs to mind, all he does is spoiling tactics - all his "ninja skillz" serve to do is ruin the aesthetic of the girl's holds.  And I don't like Kid Dynamite because of his face - no rationale, just so.  And Jean/Jaques: I can tolerate his matches to a degree, but I feel for the girls - I wouldn't touch him with yours, if you know what I mean.  And I disagree about Zsolt: a) he looks swollen like he's been left in a lake for a week, b) that fake fucking tan and c) the girls are always tiny in comparison to him (in terms of girth as much as height).  It's like watching the Lilliputions taking down Gulliver.

And I also absolutely hate it when the the guy gets a HJ or BJ at the end.  He's supposed to f*king suffer for his art FFS!

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