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Started by JackJay, 04-Feb-19, 02:39 PM

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Lora – The Barefoot Agent
Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 14 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles -  Watch the Full video here!

Foot on face
Kissing feet
Victory pose
Red juice

Custom clip request:
I'd like to order a custom video with Lora as a barefoot, invincible, sadistic, martial arts assassin.   Video can be 10 or 15 minutes long.  I have a strong foot fetish and want this to be a foot domination video. Completely one-sided – lots of swift, strong barefoot head and roundhouse face kicks and foot close-ups. The male victims try but have no chance and cannot even touch her.  Please, no cursing or calling men "bitches."  She's too cool for that.

In this story, Lora is working for herself – a supervillain.  Her only motivation is that she enjoys kicking the crap out of men and taking whatever she wants.  No man has ever been able to fight her or even land a blow.  It's a violent story – let me know if it is possible.

The video starts inside an apartment.  There are 3 thugs sitting at a table looking at their stash of money.   The thugs do not have masks – we can see their faces.   There's a knock on the door.  Thug #1 gets up and goes to the door.

Thug #1 says, "Who else knows we're here?"  The 2 other thugs shrug.  Thug #1 opens the door.

Lora is standing there with a slight smile, wearing a long black duster (a long coat that goes down to her ankles made of thin material).   It covers her body and almost reaches the floor.  Except you can see her bare feet.  The thug looks her up and down and notices her feet, red toenails.  She looks gorgeous and smiles slightly.  Then (close up of her foot) she slowly raises the heel of one foot, the toes pressing on the floor, getting ready to kick.  The thug says, "Who are you?"  Lora replies calmly, "I'm here to kick you all to death and take your money."

The thug starts to talk – "Wha...."

Lora's bare leg shoots out suddenly from a slit in the duster and her bare foot kicks him very hard in the face.  He falls backwards and crashes to the floor, knocked out.  Lora holds her leg up, foot in the air to show off her foot – her deadly weapon – toes bent back, her sole facing the camera, then she slowly lowers it back to the floor, teasing, smiling.

The other two thugs stand up suddenly, "What the..."   Then Lora lets the duster drop to the floor, revealing that she's wearing a bikini.  She steps slowly and seductively over the body of the Thug #1, like a model on a catwalk showing off her curves, and stands in front of the other two thugs.  They are confused but mesmerized by Lora's body. "What's the matter?" she mocks.  "Cat got your tongue?"

Thug #2 pulls out a gun and starts waving it at Lora.  She waves her finger at him like she's scolding a little boy, "You're being a bad boy."  She puts her hands casually on her hips (not a karate stance) and suddenly and confidently performs three fast roundhouse kicks saying "kiyahh" with each kick.  (strong sound effects).

The first kick knocks the gun out of the thug's hand.  The second is a kick to his head that knocks him down.  And for the third kick, she quickly turns towards thug #3 and kicks him in the head, knocking him down as well.

Lora laughs – not loud, a kind of a soft giggle.  "That was easy – now I'm going to have some fun with you all."

Thug #2 is dazed on the floor and crawling to reach his gun.  Lora's foot comes down on his hand, pinning it to the floor (close-up).   She shoves the gun away with her other foot, then kicks him hard in the side to roll him on his back, then swiftly kicks him in the head as he's lying there.  She steps over his head and plants her feet on either side of his head, looking down, smiling. (Film at least one shot from his point of view.) The thug is in pain and holds his arms up to try to stop her.  She kicks his hands away and plants a foot on his chest to hold him down.

"What should we do next?" she says.  She pretends to get an idea. "Oh!  I know!  Suffocate you with my feet!"  (Will Lora do this?)  She slides her foot up to his face, pinches his nose shut with her toes and presses the arch over his mouth.   The thug panics and grabs her ankle but she is too strong.  Lora laughs.   "Aw, what's the matter... can't you breath?"  The guy starts flailing around, and Lora sits down on his stomach with her foot still on his face.  Then she moves the other foot to his throat.   She bends her toes back and presses her foot to his throat so the thug's air is completely cut off.   With her feet still on his face and throat, she then grabs his arms and holds them down while she watches him slowly pass out. Please make this a long scene.  (If Lora won't do this, then film the scene similar to "Deadly Hiring" when she sits in front of the guy, puts her feet around his head and snaps his neck, except this time barefoot).

Thug #3 wakes up and starts to crawl towards the door to escape.  Lora stands up and looks over at him, "Where do you think you're going?"  He looks back over his shoulder, and his face is met with a strong kick from Lora's foot.  He falls over, dazed.   Lora reaches down and grabs him by the hair.  "Get over here," she says.  Pulls him up to his feet.  He's staggering.  Lora then sadistically delivers many strong head and face kicks (you can make this as long as you want).  He's staggering and she throws him against a wall and pushes his head down with her foot to make him slide down the wall to a sitting position, leaning against the wall.   Lora sits on the floor in front of him and pins him to the wall with one foot.  "Let's play a kicking game."  She lifts her other foot and holds it in front of his face, toes bent back, taunting him.  "Are you scared?"  "No... please ... no..." the guy begs.  Lora snaps several swift kicks across his face. (add sound effects).  Juice trickles down his mouth, bruises appear.  "Aw, did that hurt?" she laughs.  Several more swift kicks.  "I think this is the end for you!" she giggles.  Several more swift kicks.  She smiles as he moans. Then a solid kick to his nose, destroying him instantly.  He slumps to the floor.

Thug #1 wakes up and is trying to stand up. "One more to go..." she says.  Lora stands up and slowly, seductively walks towards him, giggling.  "Look at my feet" she commands.  "I noticed you liked my feet when I came through the door."  The thug looks down at her feet. She roundhouse kicks him once, twice, three times.  He crashes to the floor and Lora stands next to him smiling.  Then she looks around the room casually, and says "I might spare your life if you kiss my feet."  She poses them in a seductive way – flexing her arches.  "It's hopeless for you – I've destroyed your friends, kicked you into a daze, and my foot pheromones have hypnotized you." The thug is confused and can't stop looking at her sexy feet.  "Now crawl over here.  Like a worm, on your belly."  The guy crawls to her feet and starts kissing them. "Good boy," she taunts.  "How does it feel to kiss the feet that just destroyed your friends?" He lets out a desperate whimper.  She laughs.  She raises one foot and notices some juice on the sole.  She runs her finger slowly along the arch. "Oh look!" she giggles.  "There's juice on my foot.  Lick it off."  (If you don't want to do this, she can say "Wipe if off" and he can wipe if off with his shirt). The guy begs, "No, please..."  Lora raises her foot, ready to kick, taunting him.  The thug gives up: "Okay, okay." Lora says.   "Good boy.  I think I'll let you live and you can tell your friends.  That way, if you try to get revenge, I'll have more fun with them. Or maybe I'll come back and make you tell me where they are and I can hunt them down and destroy them with my feet, too."

Standing over him, she kicks him in the face while he's on the floor.  She walks over to the table and takes the bag with the money.  Stepping over the bodies, she walks out the door, giggling.

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Jessica destroys balls of 3 arrogant sportsmen
Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 13 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles -  Watch the Full video here!

Knee kick
Neck hold
Balls grab
Victory pose

Story line:
Jessica comes to the gym, she always has dance practice at this time. Guys are training in the gym. Jessica politely asks them to leave, but they only laugh and mock her. Kevin says that she should dance for them, the guys start to surround Jessica.

Jessica says that she will now show them her dance. She throws her backpack at Kevin to confuse him. She immediately kicks the other two guys in the groin. They fall to the floor. Kevin tries to

attack Jessica, but she immediately grabs his balls and twists them. Kevin starts to moan and asks to let go of his balls. Jessica releases his balls and hurls Kevin towards the guys. Three guys are lying on the floor and groaning in pain.
Jessica tells them to get out of the gym. But guys are too arrogant, they can't lose to a girl. Kevin says that Jessica was just lucky as she used illegal hits. Now the guys are ready to fight, so Kevin believes that Jessica will not be able to defeat them.

They try to attack Jessica but fail every time. Jessica uses various hits and wrestling holds. She is superior to the boys in every way.

Eventually the guys start begging for mercy, but it's too late, Jessica knocks out each guy with various series of hits to the balls. Then she dumps the guys in a heap, puts her foot on Tim's bare chest and demonstrates to everyone her total superiority over the guys.

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Arrogant Grace is defeated
Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 22 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles -  Watch the Full video here!


Custom clip request:
We can do Barefoot in this Video, but maybe a black Bra would be nice, where we can see a black Strap around her free shoulder. I think this should be look nice.
In my Customs the Girls have usual open Hairs, but this Time i go with a Ponytaile like "Grace destroys a skinny man using wrestling" i liked that,  with some Make up.
I know i have taken a more comfy looking T-Shirt , so please make shure it looks fine during the whole fight.  Just fix it sometimes off Camera or something like that.

Okay, most important is the reaction of the Girl, you already did " XX failed her Mission for me" so you know what i want to see, it would be nice if you could instruct the other Team.
One of my Favorit is "Stacy failed her Mission", because of the very dynamic fight. Stacy always tried to attack you, but she failed many attacks and gets nice and differend punch combos.
She played her arrogant Character pretty good too, and her reaction from the blows are great. ( Only Jessica in my other Custom was a little bit better with her Head/Body reaction)
Grace must play a similar Role in this Custom Video:
She is cocky and arrogant.
She has a extremly strong Body and can take a hugh amount of blows.
She shows only a little Body reaction from the Blows.
But she is not a Machine and still moans from every single hit.
She always tries to attack the Guy, but she fails many of her attacks. (She is not a punching bag, she she is the aggressor in this fight, the Guy only tries to survive)
But when she manages to hit him, we can see, that she not only has a strong Body, she hits also really hard.
In the 3 Min of this Video, Grace is more playful , she has several chances to End the fight, but she is so cocky that she never does it.  We can also see that she like when the Guy is in Pain
and that she torments him. She plays a really evil Character.
Overall this is a Fist fight Video, with many Belly & Head blows.

To get something like a Story, here is a little Script:
Grace plays a Grandmaster in a secret fighing Clup, she has never lost a fight or came even close to lose one, this made her really cocky over Time. She is also known for her cruelty in her fights.
Everyone knows her and is fearful when she arrives somewhere. The Movie starts with the Guy making some sparring, and she comes in. Grace watches him for a while, with a smile on her Face.
After a while the Guy finaly sees her and he is already fearful, he knows who she is and tries quickly to leave the Room, but Grace is holding him back. He tells her that he doesn´t want trouble with her
he just leaves and she has the Room for her Training alone. But Grace says that she is bored and she wants to fight against him, for her "training" The Guy says that she is the Champion, no Body has a chance
against her, and she is known for her cruelty during the fights. He tries again to leave the Room, but Grace pushes him back against the Room. She says more serious  that she will fight against him.
But the Guy still refuses to fight against her. Graces tries to Trick the Guy, she says if he can fight her off for 5 min, she will give him 10.000€. Finally the Guy agrees and goes in fighting position.
Grace stands befor him, casual, with a smile on her Face and the fight beginns.

In the beginnig Grace is more fooling around with the Guy, she is always attack him and we can see he is a skilled fighter. He avoids many attacks and keeps punching her Belly& Head.
She already gets way more blows than she can give him.  Grace even moggs him, that he is weak, that she can barley feel his blows and so on.  When Grace manages to hit him, his is in big trouble
a few punches from her are enough to really hurt him.  He goes down 3 Times in the first part. The first Time he is weak and drops down on one Knee befor her, Grace tries a Fist punch against her Head,
but he stops the attack, gives her 2-3 blows into her Belly and stands up. The second Time he on the Ground, Grace has the Chance to finish him, but she just waits for him to get up, with a "Come on get up".
The 3 Time she does the same thing and says "I am not done with you, come on..?" (She makes a gesture that he should get up)
Then Guy gets bretty good: He gives Grace a longer punch Combo as usual, with a hard finisher blow into her Belly, and she strumbles back. But she is not mad or hurt, she is looking at him and says "You are better as i expectet,
its Time to fight serious" And now finaly Graces stand more often in fighting Position, while she is attacking the Guy.

At the beginning the Guy is still bretty good and gives her a high amount of blows, but overtime we can see that is hard for him to keep up with Grace. She gives him no Time for a break, and attacks him
non stop. Grace manages to twist one Arm of the Guy and he nearly screams loud of pain, we can see that Grace really enjoes this. After a while he manages to break free, but Grace goes immediately
after him.  The Guy has a really hard Time now, and she starts do dominate him. After a while he is on the Ground again, but Grace is not fooling around anymore, she tries to stomp on his Head,  but
in the last second he can avoid her attack and stands up again.  She only says "You are done" while charging at him. Grace thinks the fight is over, she tries one attack but he avoids it and gives her
several blows. She tries a second attack, but this Time he grabs her Arm, twists it and she stands sideways to him. He uses her defencless Bodyside to give her several blows into her Rips.
Grace manages to break free, she only says "Nice one"  She is ready to attack him, but now we reached the 5 min Timer. He says her that he survived against her for 5 Min, and the fight is over.
But this only upsets Grace, never has one Guy survived against her for 5 min. She tells him that she will never give him the Money, and she will take him out for once and for all.

The fighting style of Grace ha changed again, she fights now more aggresiv and wild. She is serious and really tries to take out the Guy. But he is really good nice, he manages to avoid nearly every
attack of her and gives her blow over blow. Grace doesn´t realises, or doesn´t care how much punches she gets. She gives everything and even says things like " Just give up" – " You really piss my off"
and so one. Then she gets serveral blows again and strumbles back, she looks exaused and breaths hardly.  She gave everything but the Guy is still
standing, and to make it even worst: He tells her that she should give up, she can´t defeat him! But this only makes Grace really angry.

Graces storms to the Guy to attack him, but for now she fails every single attack and he keeps non stop punching her. Finally Grace gets weaker, her attacks are not that powerful anymore and we can hear
it from her moanings. But she still keeps attacking him, but for the Guy its easy to avoid he attacks. He realises too, that she gets weaker, and now its his Time to push the Attack against her.
Grace seems overwhelmed that he is now in charge, she stops attacking him, and gets blow over blow. During this she slowly walks back and at the End she hits a Wall with her Back. The Guy starts
punching her Belly with left and rights. During this we can see her complete breakdown. We can see it on her Face and hear it clearly from her moanings. After she get 15-20 into her Belly, the Guy
pushes her into the Room. Grace is  defencless, holding her Belly with one Hand, with broken voice she says "no... this can´t be" The Guy starts punching her Head, she gets weaker  but she is still not going down (During this her Arms slips from her Belly to expose it again for a attack)
The Guy gives her one final blow into her Belly and finaly she drops down on her Knees.
Grace is looking up the the Guy, from her arrogant behave is nothing left anymore, she is broken. The Guy gives her a kick against her Head, she falls over and is out.

Thats it.

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Jessica is riding Kevin
Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 40 minutes
Language: English and Russian with English subtitles -  Watch the Full video here!

Neck hold
Arm Wrestling
Foot kiss
Pony play

Custom clip request:
Scenario is the same more or less as Jessica riding Nick 2.
Jessica is in the gym lifting one small weight with one hand.
Kevin enters and laughs with her telling her she is not strong like him and should leave.
She challenges him to an armwrestling match.
She wins all 3 rounds.
At the end of each round she slams the hand of Kevin on the table with a strong sound (bang)
Kevin is furious at the end of the 3 rounds.

Jessica asks him to kiss her biceps and leave.
He refuses and tells her to wrestle her.
If she loses the match Kevin tells her that she will spank her so that she will learn her lesson.
Jessica wins with the same holds that appear in the film Jessica rides Nick 2.
I would like some face slapping during this match.
Also some standing headscissors like when Nick came with a knife.
Some head scissors also She wrestles him to the ground and pins his hands with her hands.
Is it possible to include a riding scene ?
She kicks his head with her feet repeatedly.
Finally she orders him to kiss her feet and follow her on his hands and knees around the room.

I answer your questions:
1. We can do everything that was in your previous film.
2. We can do the horse riding scene without any problems. She can also take a whip. He can run around the hall on all fours, and she will stand in the center and urge him on. She can also sit on his back and ride him, urging him on.
3. If you need Kevin to wear a mask, then he will wear a mask. As you wish.
4. Everything you wrote we can do.

Jessica is always gorgeous but I would like her to wear the one outfit as in the attached picture.
Kevin the same like he weared in the film from which I took the picture.
I would like Jessica to speak english but NOT slowly. More fast and strong. She is arrogant and sometimes smiling.
I dont mind Kevin speaking Russian. It is FINE,
Please remember that the armwrestling match needs in the END of each round that Jessica brings down the arm of Kevin quickly and with a BANG on the table.
I also like you to show Jessicas beautiful body from all the angles.
Thats all.

Armwrestling ONLY with one hand realistic but Jessica wins.
All three rounds, right left right.
No ball busting , no spitting.
Kevin without mask.

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Hi from Jane
Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 16 minutes
Language: English and Russian with English subtitles -  Watch the Full video here!

Foot on face
Foot in mouth
Foot on neck
Neck snap
Victory pose

Story line:
Jane enjoys the great outdoors, basking in the sunshine, walking barefoot on the grass and stones. She revels in the beauty of nature. The first half of the film is dedicated to the exquisite feet of Jane. In the second half, Jane tramples on Jack, who is entirely under her control. She delivers various kicks, humiliates him, and relishes in his helplessness. The main theme of the film is foot fetish.

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Ballbusting with Grace
Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 15 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles -  Watch the Full video here!

Neck hold
Victory pose

Custom clip request:
Grace came to gym to get training from the male coach. Male coach told her to do push ups like him. She try to do it and she didn't like it, so she told the coach to train her instead of telling her to do push ups.
Coach argued " if you want to be stronger and master of fighting you need big muscles like me. That's the first part of the training."
Grace laughed at him and said " I dont need big muscles like you , i can still beat you if you dont want to train me i will find some other coach to train with."
Male coach said " ok i challenge you to beat me in dual  fight will be over when one of us will be completely knocked out."
Grace said " bring it on."
Fight started and it appear the male coach is dominating grace with abdomen blows punches in face and stomach and blocking almost all of grace's moves. After 3-4 minutes of dominance male coach started getting cocky and grabbed grace from the neck and try to choke her.
Male coach said " you are just another newbie submit to me and i will let you live."
Grace struggled at first but than she kick male coach leg and as he stumbles she kicks in his nuts.
After that blow male coach was angry and start attacking grace but surprisingly grace was blocking and avoiding all of his blows and attacking him in the balls and hitting him with face and stomach punches.
The guy was surprised grace said " i was just observing your moves now i challenge you to attack me and i will show you who i am."
Guy in anger try to punch grace but grace duck and she sits down on her legs and gave the coach punch in the nut.
Now coach is tired he try to attack grace but grace easily tackle him and so after so many punches and kicks in the face and in the nuts guy fell down on the floor.
Grace put her legs on the coach's throat and tell him to submit his defeat. Male coach was still trying to fight. Grace hold her from the neck and successfully knock him out.
At the end of the fight she put her feet on guys stomach and said " yeah i need muscles to beat you. A newbie girl kicks your ass you dont desrve to be coach." And she laughed and left. The most important part i want in the movie is when grace fightback i want to see many ball bustings and punches in the nuts. And after first 3 4 minutes where male coach is dominating i want to see only grace's dominance as she was learning her coach's moves.

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